A beautiful view of the Sea of Galilee
on a rolling hillside
possibly the site of
Jesus' Sermon on the Mount
The Mount of Beatitudes
A visit to church on All Saint's Day celebration
and it's likely we will hear Jesus' words: "Blessed are you when. . ." (Matthew 5:1-12)
But whenever I am that one to whom He speaks finding me when I'm: poor in my spirit, hungering and thirsting after righteousness . . .
feeling guilty, mourning my loss, feeling a little persecuted I don't feel too blessed . . . until I remember
Jesus is standing in front of those unblessed ones. And just like that . . . He meets me at the intersection of my unblessed moment -- and with Kingly presence and life-changing Word He recreates baffling badness into kingdom blessedness.
And only later I realize: I've was blessed! |