The Upper Room: now a place where
many wandering feet
come and go
and recall a time when Jesus
came into a room (maybe this very one)
and established a new order of service
Not only a new Passover liturgy
where the body and blood of the Lamb of God
are served up for forgiveness
The Upper Room - the traditional site in Jerusalem
But He also establishes
A new order of service - a liturgy of humility
The King of kings and Lord of lords
assumes the lowest place
doing a job no disciple would dare assume
because they all wanted position, edging out the other
to sit in the place of power --
next to God
So what do you do
when the King of Kings
changes the orders of creation
and moves to the end of the line?
He's the first one to grab towel and bowl of water
Now watch as this First One
takes the lowest place in the room
and serves His created ones
Here is the new order of service
He changes the orders of creation
first is last
last is first:
Love one another
I have loved you
So now: What do we do?
Proud feet scramble to
find their place --
next to the First One who now
is in last place:
Servant of All!
It's in that place --
I find myself served
and learning a new order of service.