The wilderness of Judea where Jesus' temptation began |
Disciples watch and learn as Jesus enters the wilderness struggle of Lenten temptation. (Mt 4:1-11)
Forty days fasting left his body hungry and vulnerable for satanic attack . . . but could this be one of Satan's most miscalculated errors?
Jesus' body was weakened by hunger. . .but the forgotten variable is His muscular spirit. Time with His Father and Jesus' spirit was plugged in - charged-up!
Jesus was ready to go the distance for us. When the big test comes, He swats Satan like a fly!
Something lacking in my ability to follow Jesus up the steeper slopes due to a weak spirit? Fasting, reading and meditation on God's Word, reconciliation, prayer . . . .body and spirit workouts with Jesus make all the difference in my follower-ship during testing times.